Monday 19 May 2008

Updating Posted Date/Time on

If you need to update the when an item was posted to, for example if you want it to reflect the last time the post was updated etc. Then there are 2 ways this can be performed.

The first, official way is to use the official API (see )and use and use the &dt argument to set the date and time.

The second way is to use the FireFox browser when the "Web Developer" add-in and doing:
1. click on "edit" in the list of your bookmarks and select "full-screen edit";
2. on the web developer's toolbar select "Forms | Display Form Details", which displays the hidden fields.
3. find the hidden text in a box "<input name="date">", the field to the right of this is the posted date
4. retype this date, ensuring it is in the same format (yyyy-mm-ddThh-mm-ssZ)
5. sumbit the form in the usual way by clicking on "save"


Now that has upgraded its site and become this second method no longer works, and the only way is to use the API.

Thursday 15 May 2008

My first post

Finally got around to setting up my web log, and here it is!